African Professional Hunters Association
"neither fear nor foolhardiness".
Who We Are:
The A.P.H.A. is an association of like-minded professional hunters who subscribe to a code of ethics, a code of conduct and the promotion of sustainable use of wildlife and wildlife habitat.
The African Professional Hunters Association,
is an Association whose membership is strictly limited to only the most experienced Professional Hunters of impeccable integrity who regularly guide Safari Hunters in pursuit of dangerous game (in addition to all other species) in all countries on the Continent. The Members of the Association are the best Professional Hunters in Africa.
In no manner does the A.P.H.A. replace neither does it replicate any of the functions of each country’s Professional Hunters Association. It works in co-operation with each of these organizations to ensure the continuation of Big Game Hunting in Africa through the exchange of information.

The rules of entry as a Member are stringent. Not only must prospective Members demonstrate their long and successful hunting experience but they must also ensure that their clients observe a comprehensive list of hunting ethics set out by the Association.
The Integrity of the members is paramount. The most important precept of the Association is that members must exhibit total integrity in their business dealings and in their methods of hunting. It is this guarantee of integrity that ensures that prospective Big Game Hunting Clients who book safaris with members of A.P.H.A. will experience the safari that was described and contracted at the point of sale.
It is expected of members that they will outfit and operate all their safaris to the best of their ability and to the best of the resources available to them. Thus ensuring that, to the best of their ability, the safari closely resembles that which was described at the point of sale. However, big game hunting clients must understand that between the time of the sale and the realization of the safari climatic changes and similar factors beyond the control of the Professional Hunter can radically alter game populations and movements.
The primary objectives of the African Professional Hunters Association are:
To ensure the continuation of Safari hunting in Africa.
To ensure that Safari Hunting is undertaken only in an ethical manner.
To collaborate with and assist all Government authorities and realistic NGO’s concerned with all aspects of the conservation of big game and its environment
To ensure that African game continues to be conserved for the ultimate benefit of the local people who live surrounded by it. Such benefits are best derived from Safari Hunting, the activity that is in the forefront of wildlife conservation. The Association believes that the indigenous people benefiting from their resource of big game will ensure its conservation and that of its environment.
The Association was founded in 1993 by the well known Professional Hunters: Monsieur Gerard Pasanisi, Mr. Robin A. Hurt and Señor Tony Sanchez Arino together with 24 other leading founder members to promote the foregoing objectives.
The reason for its founding was, and remains, a defense against the rapidly increasing commercialization of safari hunting with the resulting profusion of inexperienced “PHs” and large commercial companies whose frequent lack of integrity and experience tarnishes the reputation of the industry.
APHA welcomes qualified new Association and Life Members. Please follow the instructions and click here to print and fill out the application form.