African Professional Hunters Association
"neither fear nor foolhardiness".
A collection of APHA social media posts
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Today is officially Endangered Species Day. What is the most surefire (and prevalent) way to endanger any species? Eliminate its habitat.
Lands utilized for legal, regulated hunting protect habitat for all flora and fauna present, both resident and migratory, endangered and common. Not just the huntable species. Sadly, and quite puzzling, however, in publicized lists of ways one can help endangered species, on this day, and every day, rarely if ever, is mention made of not persecuting hunters and hunting simply because of a personal dislike for this important conservation tool.
Such misguided efforts further potentially endanger all life and many livelihoods. Maintaining habitat is critical for all species - including humans. In Africa, from the savannahs to the swamps, the miombo to the mopane, and everywhere in between, hunting does that.
Photo Location: APHA member Harpreet Brar's Ilaroi property, Maasailand,
African Professional Hunters Association
#africanpha #EndangeredSpeciesDay #habitatiskey #wildlifeconservation #naturesfuture #BiodiversityConservation #africanconservation #theroleoftheoutfitterinconservation #professionalhunters #conservationthroughhunting #endangered

Critics of hunting tourism claim that African wildlife should only ever be shot with a camera. But those claimants are typically only familiar with scenarios like this one: heavily habituated animals desensitized to human presence because they see steady volumes of car traffic on a very regular basis. Animals that live in mostly wide open habitats with superb visibility for photography.
But the vast majority of Africa and its wildlife do not live in such situations. Therefore, other ways to finance habitat protection are necessary. Hunting tourism is the major one that can and does accomplish this.
African Professional Hunters Association
#africanpha #conservation#theroleofhuntinginconservation#typesoftourism #africanconservation#huntafrica #conservationstrategies#conservationchallenges #habitatiskey

The inedible trophy parts

Hunters are often criticized for saving and displaying the horns, hides, skulls, antlers, etc. of game they've pursued. The inedible "trophy" parts.
But many places frequented primarily by those who don't hunt display these items also, such as national parks, rural African airports, museums, environmental education displays, hotels, etc.
Much can be learned from these remains. Observations that further the appreciation of and understanding of how well adapted wildlife is, how truly marvelous nature's designs are, and a sobering, humbling realization that all living things eventually die. They are tangible connections to other life forms that mystify us.
And in legal, well-regulated hunting experiences conducted by responsible outfitters, they are memoirs and keepsakes of investments in not just outdoor experiences but nature's sustainability as well.
African Professional Hunters Association
#africanpha #huntingoutfitters #huntafrica#wildlifeconservation #africanconservation#habitatiskey #wildlifeconnections#africanwildlife #learningaboutnature#sustainableuse
Most females in any given wildlife population will reproduce when mature and healthy enough to do so, but the chance to reproduce is typically far less certain, more competitive, and of shorter tenure for males.Safari hunting programs that select animals to hunt based upon their advanced age, not just their size, help to ensure that the males who are too young, are actively competing for breeding rights, or are current herd sires have chances to age and perhaps reproduce. But of course not all males get to breed, even those who survive to post-maturity. And females are critical genetic contributors to all offspring produced as well. ​
African Professional Hunters Association
Photo Credit: Hank's Voice
​#africanpha #conservationthroughhunting #agebasedhunting #professionalhunters #huntafrica #responsiblehunting #safarihunting #wildlifeconservation #hunting

A highly valued, essential element in African ecosystems that can absolutely pour down in torrential form at times during the wet season. A life-giving blessing of critical moisture that is of course cursed at times too, when it limits accessibility to hunting areas and makes anti-poaching patrols more challenging.​​
African Professional Hunters Association
Photo Credit: Hank's Voice​​
#africanpha #huntafrica #huntingchallenges #eland #rain #huntingprotectshabitat #plainsgamehunting #onsafari
Breakfast At the Carnivore Cafe.......with wildebeest on the menu. Anti-hunting propagandists sometimes assert that wild lionesses and their cubs are killed in safari hunting programs. This statement easily elicits emotions, but it is not true. They are not legal quarry and, as such, are protected on hunting concessions.​
African Professional Hunters Association
Photo Credit: Hank's Voice​
#africanpha #huntafrica #lionconservation #africanwildlife #safarihunting #professionalhunters #apexpredators #debunkingconservationmyths #conservationthroughhunting

Rhino Down.So that numbers of them might go up......In this case, simply darted so that its horn could be removed as part of counter poaching efforts. APHA members, such as Danene van der Westhuyzen of Aru Game Lodges in Namibia, who kindly provided this photo, engage in many important and costly conservation efforts involving producing and maintaining wildlife populations, which requires protecting wildlife and its required habitats too.
African Professional Hunters Association
#africanpha #conservationthroughhunting #africanwildlife #theroleofthehuntingoutfitterinconservation #professionalhuntersafrica #arugamelodges #namibiaconservation
Wildlife requires habitat, and hunting is an important land use that protects habitat. But some hunters even go above and beyond that by protecting habitat and what it hosts on lands not currently primarily used for hunting. Lands that require restoration from degradation caused by non-hunting humans previously unsustainably using them. Thankfully, some APHA members are dedicated to such essential efforts, like the Ilaroi property of Harpreet Brar's Rungwa Safaris in Tanzania, where this lesser kudu was photographed. A property previously overgrazed by domestic livestock but now hosting healthy wildlife populations under proper management.
African Professional Hunters Association
Photo Credit: Hank's Voice
#africanpha #conservationbyhunters #habitatiskey #huntafrica #kudu #spiralhornedantelope #hunterfundedconservation #africanconservation #theroleofthehuntingoutfitterinconservation #landrestoration #professionalhuntersafrica #professionalhunters #wildlifeconservation ​

Poaching is persistently problematic throughout Africa. When considering whom to book your safari with, please inquire about what anti-poaching programs the outfitter whom you are interested in effectively and thoroughly engages in. APHA members welcome your interest and concerns in these important matters. Dedicated investment in combating these conservation challenges is costly. But responsible operators (and hunting clients) recognize and accept that this is essential. Otherwise, the ultimate price is paid - jeopardizing the sustainable future of nature, communities, economies, and hunting tourism itself. Photo Details: Anti-poaching Team Leader, Rodrick Msemwa, of APHA President Mike Angelides' Safari Royal Tanzania.
African Professional Hunters Association
Photo Credit: Hank's Voice
#africanpha #conservationthroughhunting #africanconservation #huntafrica #onsafari #hunting #huntingtourismcontributions #theroleofthehuntingoutfitterinconservation #protectingafricanwildlife #wildlifeconservation #antipoaching