African Professional Hunters Association
"neither fear nor foolhardiness".
Ox of Okavango Award
This award is very generously sponsored and presented by A.P.H.A. honorary member, Mr. Fred Mannix, who is a strong believer of “conservation through wise-use”. It is named after Mr. Mannix’s huge buffalo shot in the Okavango Swamps of Botswana.
The award is to be given annually to the individual full member of the A.P.H.A. or, under exceptional circumstances and for extraordinary work, the A.P.H.A. honorary member, who has CONTRIBUTED AND ACHIEVED THE MOST FOR BIG GAME CONSERVATION AND ITS HABITAT. Its wider significance is to demonstrate that the leading Professional Hunters in Africa contribute immensely to the conservation of game and habitat.
THE TROPHY: A herd of elephants made of solid silver, designed by Mr. Mannix in conjunction with artist Patrick Mavros. On its base is a plaque on which will be inscribed the names of each annual winner. The winner will retain a silver miniature. In addition, the winner will receive a $5,000 prize to be used to further their good work. This prize will be presented at the A.P.H.A.’s Annual Function.
THE RECIPIENT: Must be a full member of the A.P.H.A. or, under exceptional circumstances, an Honorary Member of the A.P.H.A. who is actively involved in the African Hunting Safari Industry but is not a Professional Hunter. Honorary members applying for this award need to be supported by a full member’s written recommendation.
DEADLINE: November 1 for each calendar year.
Please email the Executive officer at executiveofficer@africanpha.com
1. The name of the competing A.P.H.A full member or honorary member.
2. Name of the conservation program(s) or safari company project(s) the applicant has or is currently working with.
3. If you consider it appropriate, please name board members, benefactors and donors.
4. Attach a brochure and/or full write-up that includes the following information:
a. Areas where work has and is being carried out.
b. Objectives of the work i.e. anti-poaching, education, scientific research, benefits to local communities, wildlife and habitat conservation, wildlife policy, etc.
c. Who are the beneficiaries of the work? In other words, quantify what has been accomplished by the work. For example:
- How many local inhabitants have benefitted from the program?
- How many schools, dispensaries, roads, etc. have been established?
- How many Africans have been educated?
- How many poachers have been caught?
- How much wildlife and habitat has been protected and/or restored?
- What wildlife policy laws have been created and/or fought to promote big game and habitat conservation?
5. If applicable, please provide information on any work done in conjunction with local, regional or national African governmental authorities, any NGO’s, or any conservation organizations.
6. Please give an idea of the annual turnover.
7. List the sources of funding for the work. For example, surcharge on game fees, private donations, local or international NGO’s, etc. It is unnecessary to analyze exact amounts. Indications of percentages of each source will suffice.
8. Summarize the success of the program by showing the positive impacts the work has had.
9. Include any recommendations and/or praise given to the work by governmental officials, NGO’s, other conservation organizations, or independent individuals.
10. Where relevant, include any photographs, maps, plans or other illustrations that promote or clarify the work being done.